4 Reasons Why Your Website Copy Isn’t Converting

Did you recently invest in a website refresh and aren’t seeing the results you wanted? Unfortunately, you’re not alone. This happens to many business owners, and it’s frustrating on so many levels.

Sure, many factors could be contributing to the fact that your website isn’t converting visitors to leads at the rate you were hoping for. However, there are only a few reasons why your website copy would be responsible for preventing your visitors from converting.

Here are four of the most likely reasons your website copy isn’t converting:

1.You didn't consider the design when creating the copy for your website (or vice versa).

Website copy should always be written with a design (and a plan) in mind.

Unfortunately, many business owners (and even some digital agencies) neglect to consider how the website copy will fit the design and what story they are trying to tell. For best results, copywriters, designers, and developers should collaborate to ensure the copy and design work well together and tell a meaningful brand story that inspires visitors to take important actions.

Always go into writing your copy with a clear plan for what you want to get across to your audience and what you want them to feel (and do!) when they read it.

2.Your website copy doesn’t answer your target audience’s questions. 

Every page of your website should have a specific intention. 

For example, your home page should grab the user's attention and give them a high-level understanding of the problems your business solves for its customers. And your about page should educate visitors about what your business does, who the people behind the business are, and the "why" behind your brand. 

If your website copy doesn't answer your prospects' questions, they aren't likely to follow any of your calls to action.

3. Your calls to action aren’t direct enough or aren’t in the right places.

Your calls to action should be clear and noticeable. 

Sometimes businesses try too hard to make their calls to action creative and wind up confusing the user altogether. Varying your calls to action and getting a little creative is great as long as they serve their purpose–driving users to take action. If they aren’t put in the right places or don’t make sense, users are less likely to click on them.

Keep your calls to action simple and easy to follow for the best results.

4.You didn't hire a professional copywriter (or you waited until the last minute to do so).

Website copy is just as important as the design.  

Many business owners don't think about website copy until the last minute. They plan to "write it themselves" but then realize it's a more time-consuming and strategic task than they thought. This leaves them scrambling to write copy quickly or searching for a copywriter at the 11th hour.

Hiring a copywriter at the last minute, when the design is already in place and the clock is ticking, can only result in mediocre copy (at best)

Next time, consider hiring a copywriter from the beginning–one that will work with everyone involved in the project to ensure all the right words are in all the right places. 

Time to Invest in a Professional Copywriter?

Think you don’t need to invest in a professional copywriter for your website? You’re right! You’re the business owner, so it’s your call. You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do. But should you? I think you know where we stand on this.

Looking to optimize your website copy for higher conversions? Get in touch with us today.


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