Getting Creative After Work

Juliet’s “Super Drippy Nike Shoe”

Crafting Beyond The Keyboard

Meet Juliet, Magnolia Content’s social media guru and marketing extraordinaire – and check out her latest creation! She recently made a super drippy Nike sneaker wall piece for her sister and brother-in-law (newly married). 

“They're both obsessed with Nike and constantly push her to "Just Do It," which is pretty inspiring,” said Juliet. “I decided to combine their love for Nikes with my newfound love of woodworking—thanks to my Dad!”

Juliet’s father has been a construction worker for a long time. “Growing up, our house was basically a constant DIY project. Shelves were always going up, moldings were getting replaced, and the garage was basically his second home. Seeing him create cool stuff all the time definitely rubbed off on me,” she said.

“In middle school, the power tools in tech class totally blew my mind. In college, I took a bunch of art and graphic design classes, and then a few years ago, I was tempted to create something out of wood for the first time, and I told my dad I needed a scroll saw like the one I used in middle school. A few weeks later, I was on a bike ride with a friend, and we passed by a house with a bunch of stuff on the curb with a sign that said ‘free stuff.’ We went over to take a look, and what do you think was hidden in this pile of treasures? A scroll saw. And they were giving it away for FREE, so it must be destiny, right?”

Juliet said her dad was super nervous about her cutting off a finger at first but slowly became more comfortable with her working in the garage and even started teaching her how to use his tools.

In July of 2023, Juliet went all in and got a CNC machine, which she said is “basically a giant robot that cuts out designs from wood.” Pretty cool, right? “Putting it together was an adventure (instructions said 18 hours, took me 36 – whoops!), but it was totally worth it,” she said. 

Now, Juliet designs stuff on the computer and watches this incredible machine bring it to life. She said, “The coolest part is that woodworking has become a whole family thing. My dad and I brainstorm ideas all the time. Who knew woodworking would become a creative outlet that brings us together?” 

For Juliet, this Nike wall art with a drippy effect is not only a unique piece of art; it’s also a celebration of family, inspiration, and that sweet "Just Do It" spirit—all carved in wood.


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